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Do it Again Daddy

By Deborah Cimo 

      Sunrises and sunsets thrill me. Actually, those heart-stopping moments just before the sun rises and after it sets. There’s an intangible electricity in the dawn and a magic at twilight when colors blend. 

My little boy this morning told me how he was awake “before the light. Before God made the new sun.” And I love that. God makes each morning burst forth as if it is the first one. 

      On the few mornings I am up before the sun, I love to step outside in the greyness when the air is sharp and the birds are waking the world with their chatter. It’s as if God is putting the finishing touches on His new work of art, waiting for us to wake and discover what beauties He’s created for us that day. And no matter how many times we wake to the same world, it is never exactly like it was yesterday. 

I remember a commercial a few years ago (a good many years ago), where a little boy and his daddy were sitting beneath a huge tree watching the sunset. As the sun got closer to slipping behind the earth, his daddy said gently, “Going, going...” and just as the sun slipped beneath the earth, he said, “...Gone”. The little boy whispered, “Do it again, Daddy!”

      I think that’s the way it is with God. There we are, sitting in the shadow of an old tree in the lap of our eternal Daddy, watching as He sets the sun. I can hear Him “ now. Going, going...Gone” with a tickle of a whisper, a grin in his voice. He gets so giddy over His creation. Not the setting of the sun (however much He loves to watch it), but it’s us He loves to watch–our reaction and our desire for more. 

      And He gives it to us. Every day. And each time there is that thrill in our throats as He sets the sun amidst slightly different patterns, just enough that we never cease getting a tickle in our bellies as we watch it disappear.

His mercies follow along with His beauties. They are fresh every morning and they blend into the darkening sky each night. But they, like the sun, are never really gone. Even when we can no longer see them, He still has them behind our view changing slightly just as the days never stay the same.

      And just think of it. We get to wake up and delight in the wealth of the new mercies and beauties He has made just for us. I can see Him grinning at the thought of pleasing us. Anticipating our reaction. And I’ll bet He gets a belly-tickle just at the thought of hearing us say, “...Do it again, Daddy!” 

Copyright by Deborah Cimo


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